If you like foam rolling, you should check out Yamuna.
Yamuna balls can go where the roller can’t reach (e.g. pelvic floor, ribs and deep subscaps, sternum, posterior neck, anterior neck). Unlike a roller, the Yamuna ball can move in all directions. Used properly, it has the precision to reach small and subtle areas.
But a ball is just a ball without proper education…
We have live virtual and in-person classes, video subscriptions, and one-on-one sessions (in person, or virtual).
We aim to up your rolling game at home!
Daily fascia grooming makes for a happy body.
Here’s a recent Socially-Distanced yamuna Workshop we did:
The following photos are from a simpler time…
What can Yamuna do?
- Get where your foam roller can’t reach, resetting areas with 3-dimensional movement.
- Restructure connective tissue from attachments through muscle belly.
- Reset pelvic floor
- Open the sternum
- Move through lateral breath work
- Support 360 degree neck releases
- Align your structural system bone-deep, allowing tendons to relax as tension releases along the entire muscle length from insertion to origin.
Live Yamuna Body-Rolling Sessions
StraightLine Fitness Studio can go with you, anywhere- home, office, or out of state! We now offer live functional fitness training or Yamuna body-rolling sessions on Skype or Zoom.
Our trainers and Yamuna practitioners cover 7 days a week and have flexible times from morning through evening.
We can start the ball rolling (pun intended) for your pain relief through Yamuna Body Rolling, and design a bodyweight fitness program for your individual goals.
- If you need to relieve back pain and/or make your core stronger for future endeavors, we can help!
- If you need to un-do computer posture from the not-so-super home office set up and also redefine your shoulders, we can help!
- If you need those walking legs in better alignment and also need guidance on the better squat positions or how to level up lunges (safely), we got you!
We can also help you with ideas of basic home equipment that does not put a dent in your wallet.
Current limits you may have won’t matter; we will start at the fitness level you’re at, and build your staircase, together! We are masters at tailoring programs for our dear clients.
All you need is Skype or Zoom, and a Yamuna Ball or Foam Roller, and about 8 feet of space. The pricing to meet online is the same as if you came to our house.
What is Yamuna Video Transcript
What is Yamuna? Yamuna is one of the most effective tools of body sustainability that I’ve ever seen. Yamuna is the most amazing stretch you will feel that you can take home and do yourself. I have chronic pain, I have tension, just like you have tension. Yamuna helps bring space back into your body!
These tools have a little bit of give. It’s chemical-free plastic and hollow inside. This little bit of give hugs the bones, then from the bone, you have your attachments, which go into the muscle and then your connective tissue. There’s different sizes. We have the gold, pearl, silver, and black ball. They travel with you so you can deflate them and take them on the road (you’ll want the travel pump). There’s a whole foot series. There’s Yamuna for the face. There’s Yamuna for your digestion. Not a lot of other tools out there can say things like that!
Yamuna body rolling is the best way that you can restore your body’s tension from the inside out. It hits your bones, gets them all aligned, it works tissue out, hitting your circulatory system, and your lymphatic system. Basically it scrubs any tension out of your body. Because Yamuna starts relaxing at the bone, then through the attachments, and then through the connective tissue, you really are getting an answer of releasing your tension and restoring space from the inside out. A lot of times as we age or we have injuries that stack on one another, you just get crumpled and you start carrying yourself in weird ways. Whatever you like to do or whatever injury that you’ve had that you are still managing, these balls are a really good way to open up your body, release the tension, restore the space, and make you feel stronger and more capable again. I always want to have the power to take care of myself and that’s what Yamuna gives you – the power to take care of yourself too. I know massage therapists, physical therapists, fitness trainers, and obviously Rossiter coaches that use these. They love getting their clients on these Yamuna balls. So you have the complete package when you invest in Yamuna!