You need 2 people (including a certified Rossiter Coach) to do Rossiter, but you can recover your connective tissue at home with Yamuna- see how.
Richard Rossiter is a connective tissue specialist who innovated these powerful stretching techniques out of necessity when others failed. Wartime injuries suffered as a helicopter pilot in Vietnam produced shoulders that were so painful he could barely move his arm.
That’s when he discovered “Rolfing”, a form of bodywork that focuses on lengthening and restoring the body’s connective tissue. Once he discovered the benefits of Rolfing in relieving his own pain, Richard applied to the Rolf Institute in Boulder, CO. He graduated from the institute, eventually becoming a certified advanced Rolfer in 1987.
Richard Rossiter began looking for a way to help people in pain BEFORE their symptoms got the best of them. As a result, he created The Rossiter System, a highly evolved series of stretches that allow his principles and pain-relief approaches to be used virtually without limit in the workplace by trained employees and supportive managers. In 1990, he formed Rossiter & Associates Inc.
Absolutely. Too often, people wait until they are in pain before they address a problem. The Rossiter System is the solution to keep your body loose and in balance so you can continue an active lifestyle. You can continue to use Rossiter regularly as a maintenance tool to stay limber and feeling good. We can also show you our favorite body rolling methods to help you manage your “over-did-its” at home!
Yes! We do, too. Rossiter compliments other bodywork very well. However, a new client should not begin new bodywork at the same time as Rossiter. We need to know what is going on in your body before something else new is added. So get Rossiter sessions under way, let’s see what’s possible, and then we can go from there.
Have you ever tried to rub the knots out of a muscle, and about 10 minutes goes by before you lose strength in your thumbs? That’s one easy example. Using the foot allows the Coach to deliver precise, controlled weight instead of muscle force. Using gravity this way is the most effective method to change connective tissue for lasting results.
Most clients do the discounted 4 pack ($275). Sessions may be purchased individually for $79 each. Yes, you can share with immediate family, and by the way, the 4 pack is good for 6 months.
The first session is really about exploring where you are hung up, and getting things moving in the right direction. After session 2, we learn how well your tissues are responding, and can plan roughly how long you’ll need, and how often to come. Most folks will need 2-3 times a week for about 3 weeks. Then that’s it!
Each person’s body is different, and so are their needs. Newer, simpler problems may see dramatic improvement with only a handful of sessions until the body is back to its ideal state.
Complex, older injuries are more stubborn and often take longer. We aim to finish your Rossiter work when your pain is at a “1 out of 10” and holding. Rossiter work is a means to an end, that end being healthy maintenance. Hey, you’ll still use your body, right? Tune-ups are a good idea.
The session is about 27 minutes. The Rossiter Coach asks you some questions like “What have you noticed since the last session? Where does it bother you today? What made things worse since last time?”
After this brief chat, you lie on a mat in our open-spaced studio. The Coach anchors connective tissue in key areas, then guides you through stretching exercises specific to the goals of that day’s session. After, you’ll often feel immediate results (looseness, less pain, better mobility). These results may last for days, and each session brings on longer lasting results. At the end of the session, the Coach may give you homework exercises or lifestyle advice to help your results along, and avoid traps that would refuel your problem.
Pain, tightness, and limited movement in muscles and joints occur when surrounding connective tissues shorten, usually from being overworked. By releasing these shortened connective tissues, natural space in and around a joint is restored, allowing freedom of movement and relief of pain.
Learn more about the Rossiter System.